Take Backup from cPanel

How to take Backup of Website from cPanel

Taking a regular backup of your website regularly is most important because it prevents data loss or any mess up. When you choose web hosting then they provide daily or automatic backups in their plans or sometimes not. So choose your web hosting carefully. If you choose our recommended Hostinger Web Hosting, then they provider Automated Weekly backup in Premium Shared Hosting Plan and Daily Backup in Business Hosting Plan that starts from $0.99/mon. So in this article, we sum up to take a backup of the website and download it from cPanel.

Why Take Backup

If you suddenly mess up with your website, a hack attempt, unfortunate delete anything, human error, and many other things. Then you have to restart your site so if you already have a backup of your website then you can easily restore that and manage your site again. Read more details about Backup, its types, and methods here.

Take Regular Backup
Take Regular Backup

Taking Backup of Website from hPanel

If you are using Hostinger Web Hosting, then they provide automated weekly and daily backup so you can easily manage them. Use the following steps to get the backup of your website.

Blogging Deal Hostinger

Login to Hosting hPanel

Hostinger provides an updated form of cPanel that is called Hostinger hPanel. Read more about What is hPanel and How to use it. To login to your hPanel by entering username and password.

Select Backups

Go to Manage of your Hosting and search for Backups or go to Files > Backups. In this window, the list of your automated backup will show. You will see Daily Backup Enabled if you choose Business Shared Hosting Plan from Hostinger

backups in Hostinger
backups in Hostinger

List of Backups

You will see the complete list of your backup file includes Website Files and MySQL Database files.

Backup List
Backup List

Prepare Backup

Backup files are available in front of you. You can download your backup by preparing it first. So click on Prepare Backup and your backup file will start preparing.

Prepare Backup file
Prepare Backup file

You have to prepare and download two types of files that are Website Files and MySQL Database file for complete website backup.

Download Backup

When your backup is prepared then you can easily download your backup by clicking on Download. In a moment your backup will download at the default storage location of your Hard Disk.

Download Backup
Download Backup

Generate New Backup

In the below of your backup list, you will see a blue Generate New Backup button. From here you can generate a new copy of your website backup. You can generate Full, Partial and Manual Backup of your site here.

Generate New Backup
Generate New Backup

Take Backup of Website from cPanel

If you are using another web hosting, then you can take a backup from their cPanel quickly and easily. Log in to your web hosting cPanel. Locate Backup is Files from cPanel.

cpanel backup
cpanel backup

Here you can take Full and Partial Backups.

Full Backup

In the Full Backup section that looks like below click on Download a Full Account Backup

Full Backup cPanel
Full Backup cPanel

Select the Home Directory and enter your email address and click on Generate Backup. When your backup is prepared and ready to download then you will receive an email in your email inbox.  

Generate Full Backup
Generate Full Backup

Partial Backup

In Partial Backup, you can take a backup of your Home Directory only. This is a quick and most easy method to take a backup.

Partial Backup
Partial Backup

Manual Backup

You can also take a manual backup of your site. Step by step process is below:

Login to cPanel – Go to File Managers from Files

Find your root directory which is public_html

Right-click on it and Compress it

compress public_html file
compress public_html file

Choose the Compression Type. Zip or Tar file and click on Compress File

select compress type
select compress type

Find Compressed File in the File Manager and Download it

Download Zip Backup File
Download Zip Backup File

So you can now easily take the backup of the website through automated and manual methods from cPanel. If you installed WordPress on your web hosting, then you can take WordPress backup as well. Read about Best Backup Plugins for WordPress and how to take backup with WPVivid.

Wrap Up

In this article, we explain what is backup and why you have to take it for your website. You can get automated backups, manual backups with Full and Partial Methods. When you have a backup file then you can also restore it when you face any mess up with your website.

Take a Backup of your Website Now and Secure it. You can also read how to create a Professional Email and setup with Outlook. Learn more about Hostinger, WordPress and other How-to Trick here. Follow our Newsletter to get every trick in your email. Please provide your suggestion and feedback by Contact us. You can also like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest.

Muhammad Anees is a Digital Marketing Consultant. Also, he is the admin behind webhosttricks. He helps clients and businesses to grow their online presence by making authority and generating more traffic, leads, and sales.
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