WordPress Local Development

WordPress Local Development on your Computer Using XAMPP

In this article you can learn how to start WordPress local development on your computer or desktop. Download XAMPP and WordPress is required for this whole process.You can view the video below or you can follow a step by step tutorial below.

Video Tutorial

WordPress Local Development

Step 1: Download and Install XAMPP

XAMPP is a software that visualizes a Website like environment on your PC. Its like having an offline website. To Install XAMPP, Do the Following Steps:

  1. Download XAMPP Setup From Here. Run it.
  2. Select Apache, PHP and MYSQL on components installation Option ==> Click Next.
  3. It is important that you install XAMPP in C: Drive. which is also the windows drive. If not installed in C, some errors might occur in normal operations.
  4. Unselect the option “Learn More about BitNami”.  ==> Click Next.
  5. Wait for install Completion.
  6. After Successful Installation, You can either run XAMPP Control Panel or close the setup file and click Finish.
XAMPP Interface
XAMPP Interface

Step 2: Create a Database in PHPmyADMIN.

  1. Run XAMPP Control Panel.
  2. Start Apache and MySQL.
  3. Allow Windows Firewall permissions for xampp.
  4. Under Actions in front of MySQL, click on Admin. A Browser window will pop up.
  5. Click on Databases on upper Left Side.
  6. Add a new database with the name of ” wordpress “. and set the next option to Coallation. Click ” Create ” Button.

Step 3: Copy WordPress files in XAMPP

  1. Download WordPress zip file from here.
  2. From this file, extract the WordPress folder to the following location. ” C:\xampp\htdocs\ “

Step 4: Setup WordPress

  1. On your browser’s Address Bar type ” localhost//wordpress ” This is the address where your website is installed on your computer.
  2. After reading the instructions, Click Lets Go.
  3. We need to fill the followning fields with these exact values
Database Name wordpress
Username root
Password Leave Empty
Database Host localhost
Table Prefix Wp_
  • Click “Run the Installation “. Again a form type page will appear. Type these following values.
Site Title The name of your website
Username admin
Password Admin
Email Your Email Address
Discourage Search Engines from Indexing Yes. You can change it later.
  • Click “Install WordPress“.

After complete installation your WordPress Dashboard will look like this.

Wordpress Dashboard
WordPress Dashboard

Also You can start a free WordPress Website

Step 5: Mess Around  

Your site is ready. The username and password are “admin” and “admin”. Go to the site login page at “localhost//wordpress/wp-admin” and you can login to site back end from here. You can install a theme, Different plugins are there to help you. Customize every aspect of your website. Insert Images, text, videos, write articles, Add Products. The stage is yours. You can learn more about How to Start A WordPress Website and Customize it. So start a WordPress local development now easily GOOD LUCK.

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Muhammad Anees is a Digital Marketing Consultant. Also, he is the admin behind webhosttricks. He helps clients and businesses to grow their online presence by making authority and generating more traffic, leads, and sales.
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